Did you know that Acupuncture can treat a wide range of physical and medical conditions and ailments? The acupuncture treatment method boosts a patient’s overall well-being by rebalancing the body’s energy. The treatment strategically inserts needles into specific points throughout the body that optimize its energy pathways, known as meridians. This method can utilize three hundred fifty different acupuncture points.
An acupuncturist performs this treatment. Once the acupuncturist understands the patient’s ailments and conditions, they can devise a treatment plan to address the meridians that can resolve these issues. Common ailments include headaches, neck and back pain, joint discomfort, arthritis, and even blood pressure. However, the benefits and applications of Acupuncture can have wide-reaching impacts on the entire body.
No matter what a patient receives Acupuncture for, there are several advantages over other types of treatment. These benefits include:
- Few, if any side effects
- Can enhance other types of treatment
- It is safe when administered correctly
- Can provide results that pain medication cannot
The Benefits of Acupuncture on Chronic Medical Conditions
Acupuncture is a proven and effective treatment plan for conditions that aren’t bone, joint, or muscle-related. High and low blood pressure, gastric and digestive issues, and nausea and vomiting can all be alleviated through Acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatment also can relieve pain from fibromyalgia, substance dependence, dementia, Tourette’s syndrome, pertussis, and other health conditions. Furthermore, the treatment of infections and other diseases can also benefit from proper applied Acupuncture.
The Benefits of Acupuncture on Physical Pain
For physical pain that impacts the bones, joints, and muscles of the body, Acupuncture is proven to be an effective and safe treatment for various ailments. In 2003, the World Health Organization recognized Acupuncture as an effective treatment for several conditions, injuries, and diagnoses. From facial pain, migraines, and sprains to tendonitis, dental, back, neck, and spine pain; Acupuncture can alleviate a wide array of discomfort.
Acupuncture services are available from an experienced, expert Acupuncturist at Fleur de Lis Acupuncture in Zachary, Louisiana. If you are experiencing chronic pain or other conditions, consider using Acupuncture to augment your treatment.