Pictured (ltor): Gladys Sims, Juanita Massey, and Diane Rouchon.
Not pictured: Pauline Rushing
Three members of the Lane Regional Medical Center Auxiliary were recognized at the Auxiliary’s General Meeting on November 14 for their volunteer service to the hospital.
Auxiliary President Juanita Massey presented the members with service pins representing their hours of volunteer service.
A service pin representing 9,000 hours of volunteer service was presented to Gladys Sims. A service pin representing 100 hours of service was presented to Diane Rouchon. Pauline Rushing, who was unable to attend, was recognized for 4,000 hours of service.
The Lane Auxiliary has been in existence since 1960, providing volunteer service and financial support to the hospital. There are approximately 40 active members.
For information about how you can become a volunteer, contact the hospital Gift Shop at (225)658-4309.