Although you may just now be considering acupuncture, the treatment itself has been practiced for centuries. Based on Chinese medicine which believes that many ailments arise from impeded flow of energy, or chi, throughout the body, acupuncture involves placing very thin needles in precise locations around the body, thereby releasing this energy flow and encouraging healing. Naturally, patients often have many questions before undergoing their first treatment and may approach the therapy with a certain level of skepticism. That being said, those who research acupuncture, find answers to their questions, and move forward with treatment typically experience great results.
If you aren’t yet certain that acupuncture is right for you, read on for the answers to some very common questions received from first-time patients.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
It is often assumed that because acupuncture involves the use of needles that it will be at least somewhat painful. In fact, the opposite is true. Most patients feel no pain or discomfort whatsoever while receiving their treatment. Not only are the needles used in acupuncture very thin, their placement is quite shallow, causing minimal discomfort, if any at all.
What Conditions Benefit from Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has consistently been shown to be an effective treatment option for a number of ailments. Among the most common uses are relief from painful musculoskeletal conditions such as back and neck pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel and tendonitis. Additionally, acupuncture can bring improvement to headaches, migraines, menstrual pain, asthma, acid reflux, and many more. It can even be useful for addressing fertility concerns, mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, and helping patients quit smoking.
How often are Acupuncture Treatments Needed?
The number of treatments a patient needs in order to see results will vary from case to case. For mild concerns or for patients who are young and in good health, only two or three treatments may be necessary. For others, this number could be higher. However, it is important to note that acupuncture is a strong tool for health maintenance, and patients would be wise to consider regular, ongoing appointments for preventative care.
Will my Insurance Cover Acupuncture?
While some insurance plans allow for acupuncture and other alternative treatment therapies, there are others that are still reluctant to include coverage. The only way to know for sure if your own treatment is covered is to research your policy. You may be pleasantly surprised at what’s included. And, in the case that acupuncture is not explicitly outlined as a covered service, there are still steps you can take such as requesting a prescription for acupuncture from your primary care physician.
While acupuncture should not replace the treatment regimen recommended by your physician, including it as an additional therapy can help boost positive outcomes. In Zachary, Aerin Couvillion is a licensed acupuncturist, helping patients achieve their best results possible. Click below to learn more about Aerin, her acupuncture services, and to schedule an appointment.